Claims Support
When an insured makes a claim against their contaminated product or product recall insurance, it is sometimes difficult to determine if the policy has actually been triggered. Key areas include whether the product creates a “risk of harm” or who in the supply chain is responsible. RQA experts review the testing, technical details and supply chain information and provide specialist independent reports to clarify these situations.

Services for Claims Departments
Specialist Claims Support
Our specialist consultants analyse the available information and provide a written report covering, for example:
- What is the likelihood of the product causing harm to a consumer?
- Where in the supply chain did the product become contaminated / faulty?
- Did the insured follow industry practice and applicable law?
- Should the insured have acted earlier to withdraw or recall products?
- Were food safety or quality controls lacking in any aspect?
Typical assignments include:
- Assessing the potential for harm in relation to microbiological contamination in foodstuffs
- Investigations into the origins of pests that have contaminated shipments
- Supply chain investigations to determine the source of chemical, physical or microbiological contamination
- Risk assessment of likelihood of product causing harm

Other relevant services
“We have worked with the RQA Group for the past year now and throughout this time, have been able to deliver a complete overhaul to the structure of our Business Continuity Management documentation for our Global portfolio. With Business Impact Analysis, Crisis and Recovery Plans now complete, we have begun working on Simulation exercises to put our plans to the test. The exercises that we have completed to date are professionally run to a high standard and provide great value to our staff and organisation.”
Sarah Jeffrey,
Group Health, Safety and Property Compliance Manager
Charles Taylor Plc
“Service to our insureds has improved considerably since we have partnered with RQA as our product recall crisis consultant. Immediate and efficient responses are a great comfort to companies in crisis and our partners at RQA provide our insureds exactly that!”
Louis Lubrano,
Berkley Global Product Recall