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About RQA Group
Founded in 1997, RQA Group is a leading management consultancy, specialising in product risk, headquartered in the UK with an extensive network of expert consultants globally.
We assist companies to avoid, prepare for, handle and recover from product related crises. Our client base includes many leading food and consumer product manufacturers. We also specialise in supporting product recall insurers as crisis consultants and law firms with expert witness services.

“I want you to think of us as a team of experts in a wide range of disciplines available to help you and your business. Whether you’re a small manufacturing brand or a global insurance firm, RQA’s global network of consultants are on hand to provide customised support based on your business’s needs.
If I were to sum up what we do, I would say that we increase our clients’ knowledge and resilience in key areas related to risk management, crisis management and product recall / safety. This may be helping a food company facing a product recall; or it may be advising an insurance underwriter on the risks of lithium batteries; it may be preparing expert witness reports for product liability or recall legal cases.
At RQA Group, we pride ourselves on our responsiveness, and high-quality tailored services that provide real value to your business. This has been a key driver for our growth over the years and continues to be one of the reasons why we support, and are recommended by, some of the largest manufacturing and insurance companies in the world. Click here to view a selection of our clients.
Get to know us by reading more about our consultants and RQA insights below. Then, why not give us a call on +44 (0)118 405 0192 or email to find out more about how we can help you.”
Vince Shiers
Managing Director
RQA Group’s Expert Global Consultants
RQA Group’s consultants are specialists in their field and deliver the highest quality services for RQA clients. They have expertise in a wide range of industrial sectors including food, beverage, consumer product, automotive components, pharmaceutical, medical devices, industrial and others. Expertise includes product safety, product recall, quality management, risk management, crisis management, business continuity, crisis communications and media.
All of our consultants are highly experienced with many years in industry or in leading consultant roles. They have held senior positions in risk management, technical/quality and supply chain. They all have a deep understanding of the practicalities of providing effective, practical and high quality advice and timely, cost effective assignment outputs.

RQA Group Insights

Product Recall Preparedness
Based on our experience advising on thousands of live recall events, we advocate for companies to use our annual Plan, Train, Test approach:
- Review your product recall plan
- Ensure your team receive product recall training
- Test your team with a scenario based product recall simulation.
Click here to find out more.

Never Events in the Food Industry
RQA Group have published a number of articles about “Never Events”. The term was coined by the NHS to describe avoidable errors in the medical industry such as operating on the wrong limb. Vince Shiers, RQA’s Managing Director, theorised that the concept could be applied to avoidable food recalls. Labelling errors such as Wrong Product Wrong Pack (WPWP) recalls equate to more than half of all recalls in some regions despite being wholly avoidable.
Click here to read more.

Leading Crisis Consultants for Recall Insurers
We are the leading global provider of crisis consultancy services to the recall insurance industry. Services include:
- 24/7 incident support to insureds
- Pre-incident risk management consultancy and training
- Risk engineering support
For more info on our insurance clients click here or to read our testimonials click here.
We provide services for:
Tom Richardson,
Group Insurance Director
Associated British Foods plc
“The Speedibake Crisis Management Committee were put through their paces in a crisis challenge test by RQA Group. It was a tough but rewarding day and the team performed well together. This puts us in a better position to effectively manage potential crises in future. Thank you RQA for making it feel so realistic!”
Peter Wilcock,
Technical Manager