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Risk Engineering
RQA specialise in crisis management and offer a comprehensive and customised service throughout the whole process. From initial development of your crisis management and emergency response plans, to review of your existing plans, crisis management training and finally annual testing via a crisis simulation exercise.
We work to ensure your crisis management, and emergency response plans are robust, user-friendly and meet your business needs, helping to mitigate the impact of the crisis you are facing.
See below for our crisis planning consultancy or for training courses follow the links to your right.

Crisis Management Planning
RQA’s crisis management consultants will help you to develop, review, implement, train and test your crisis management procedures and plans.
We will work with you to develop draft crisis management plans that will meet your business requirements.
The work will normally start with a scoping meeting between our consultant and representatives from your crisis management team. During this meeting all the key areas of the business will be discussed and there will be a brain storming session to identify key risks based upon probability and severity. This will help to determine which risks need to be addressed in the crisis management plans. We will also identify existing practices and where there may be gaps. This information will enable the RQA consultant to draft up preliminary crisis management plans ready for client review.
To discuss your crisis management plan call us on +44 (0)118 405 0192 or click here to contact us.

Crisis Communications Support
During a crisis, communication is key, both internally and externally, but in particular there may be media interest in your situation as it develops. Click here to go to our dedicated page on Crisis Communications and find out about our consultancy and training service.
Emergency Response Plan
RQA will help you to develop Emergency Response plans that will focus on interaction with the emergency services, decisions on full versus partial evacuation, communication, critical equipment shutdown, incident room, crisis pack or crash box etc.
In many companies, senior managers are the only people to receive crisis management training. However, for a site that operates 24-hour shifts / 7 days a week, senior managers are only on site for 24% of the time. There is therefore a need to train shift supervisors and others on the immediate response to an emergency crisis incident. These people will be in charge of the site until the senior manager is able to get to the site to take over.
To discuss your emergency response plan call us on +44 (0)118 405 0192 or click here to contact us.